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Output Formats

List Output🔗

The default output of WordHoard is a Python list. This output is set using the variable output_format, which by default is preset to output_format='list'. All output is sorted by length.

from wordhoard import Synonyms

word = 'mother'
results = Synonyms(search_string=word, output_format='list').find_synonyms()
['ma', 'mum', 'mom', 'dam', 'mama', 'mamma', 'mummy', 'momma', 'mommy', 
'mater', 'para i', 'parent', 'old lady', 'supermom', 'puerpera', 'primipara', 
'old woman', 'quadripara', 'quintipara', 'birth mother', 'foster mother', 
'female parent', 'mother-in-law', 'surrogate mother', 'biological mother']

Dictionary Output🔗

The data elements can also be outputted in a Python dictionary. This is accomplished by changing the output_format variable, to output_format='dictionary'.

from wordhoard import Synonyms

word = 'mother'
results = Synonyms(search_string=word, output_format='dictionary').find_synonyms()
{'mother': {'part_of_speech': 'noun', 'synonyms': ['ma', 'dam', 'mum', 'mom', 
'mama', 'mater', 'mummy', 'mamma', 'mommy', 'momma', 'parent', 'para i', 
'puerpera', 'old lady', 'supermom', 'old woman', 'primipara', 'quadripara', 
'quintipara', 'birth mother', 'foster mother', 'mother-in-law', 'female parent', 
'surrogate mother', 'biological mother']}}

JSON Output🔗

The data elements can also be outputted in JSON. This is accomplished by changing the output_format variable, to output_format='json'.

from wordhoard import Synonyms

word = 'mother'
results = Synonyms(search_string=word, output_format='json').find_synonyms()
    "mother": {
        "part_of_speech": "noun",
        "synonyms": [
            "para i",
            "old lady",
            "old woman",
            "birth mother",
            "female parent",
            "foster mother",
            "surrogate mother",
            "biological mother"

Last update: March 21, 2023